Tanzanite from Karo Pit, near Block D, Merelani Hills, Tanzania

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AF121 - Tanzanite $ 2400 DISCOUNTED 40% OFF TO $ 1440 SOLD
Karo Pit, near Block D, Merelani Hills, Tanzania
thumbnail - 2.6 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm

(click on an image to enlarge)

Tanzanite from Karo Pit, near Block D, Merelani Hills, Tanzania [db_pics/pics/af121a.jpg] Tanzanite from Karo Pit, near Block D, Merelani Hills, Tanzania [db_pics/pics/af121b.jpg] Tanzanite from Karo Pit, near Block D, Merelani Hills, Tanzania [db_pics/pics/af121c.jpg]

Pair of intergrown crystal with super color and luster. There is one area of damage on one side near the top, but this piece had so much pop and pizzazz it could not be passed up. Natural, unheated gem Tanzanite crystal, 2.6 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm. I had this on my website at $2400 but am letting it go here with a $750 reserve.

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